#RedSox Spring Training game time and forecast for today

Hello Augusta, Maine

Today in Spring Training the Red Sox are playing the Chicago Cubs at 6:05 PM at Jet Blue Park in Fort Myers, Florida.

For today’s weather they can expect partly cloudy skies with a high of 88°F. Winds NE at 10 to 15 mph.

Tonight they’ll have partly cloudy skies and a low of 67°F. Winds ENE at 10 to 15 mph.


The Humidity down there is 78%, the Dew Point is 57°F and the outdoor temp is 64.0°F.

The wind direction is   Northeast between 7.3 MPH and 12.0 MPH.

Their barometric pressure is 30.17 and rising with a weather graphic indicating sun.

The UV rating is 1 out of 16, Sunrise is 7:24 a.m. Sunset is 7:41 p.m., Moonrise is 2:59 a.m., Moonset is 3:50 p.m. and the moon phase is Waxing Gibbous being 71% illuminated.

The Raw METAR readings there are:

METAR KFMY 261153Z 04006KT 2 1/2SM BR SCT012 SCT023 17/17 A3017 RMK AO2 SLP217 T01670167 10183 20156 51022

Visibility there is 2.5 miles / 4.0 kilometers with Scattered clouds to 1,200 ft / 365 m. and scattered clouds to 2,300 ft / 701 m.



Space weather for Planet earth today is:

Today’s Solar flux is 68, the solar wind speed is 528  Kilometers per second and the chance of a solar storm is 1%.

