Dense fog, warm temps and rain
We’re under a Dense Fog Advisory for this morning, so slow down while driving.
This morning we have areas of patchy fog then cloudy with a 90% chance for periods of rain during morning hours. High will reach 53°F. Winds W at 5 to 10 mph.
Tonight we’ll have showers in the evening, with clouds overnight. Low 32°F. Winds NW at 10 to 15 mph.
The readings from my weather instruments are:
Humidity is 99%, the Dew Point is 40.3°F and the outdoor temp is 40.5°F.
The wind direction is West Northwest between 0.0 MPH and 0.2 MPH, generating a wind chill of 40.5°F.
The Relative pressure is 29.50, the Absolute pressure is 29.29 and falling with a weather graphic indicating rainn.
The UV rating is 1 out of 16, Sunrise is 6:23 a.m. Sunset is 7:03 p.m., Moonrise is 6:12 a.m., Moonset is 6:15 p.m. and the moon phase is waxing gibbous being 99% illuminated.
The RAW METAR readings from Augusta’s airport are:
METAR KAUG 301053Z AUTO 00000KT M1/4SM FG VV002 04/04 A2967 RMK AO2 SLP049 T00440044
Visibility is 0.2 miles / 0.4 Kilometers with clouds above this fog somewhere.
We haven’t received any rain or snow here over the past 24 hours.
Space weather for today is:
Today’s Solar flux is 68, the solar wind speed is 425 Kilometers per second and the chance of a solar storm is 1%.
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