#MEwx Halloween Tale #3 of 3 "The Ultimate Conspiracy Theory"
This is tale #3 of 3 posted for Halloween. As usual, this may just be more fiction. But then again, just how much do you believe what the government tells you about certain top[ics?
The Ultimate conspiracy theory
Those of us who pursue conspiracy theories well understand the skepticism heaped up us by the mainstream population.
We also know that the line separating a conspiracy theory from fact is the truth.
My name is unimportant but this story isn’t. I know that the facts I’ve uncovered are true and those facts haven’t been meant to see the light of day by the authorities. At least not until I can gather together enough hard evidence to bring this story to light.
I first heard about the supposedly abandoned nuclear power plant at “Raptor Bay” a little known bay, more of a cove, up near the Maine/Canadian border about three years ago.
Even the nuclear power plant, originally identified only as “A51 or as The Grover’s Mill Facility” was supposed to begin life as a source of power for the more far flung parts of Northern Maine. The story is that the station never went “on line” because it simply wouldn’t be able to generate enough revenue to make it a financially viable operation.
My curiosity became peaked when I found out the ground surrounding the A51 or The Grover’s Mill facility was not only being well maintained but is being patrolled 24X7 by black uniformed armed guards. I found this out by the simple act of driving up to it. Getting too close to the fencing is definitely not a good idea, as I learned when I approached the main gate and asked to speak with someone in their PR office.
All of that expense for guards and security fencing for a closed, decommissioned nuclear power plant that never went on line?
There are other rumors swirling around Raptor Bay that only make sense if you look at them through the lens of logical reasoning.
The largest and most visible rumor is that Raptor Bay is fog-shrouded far too often to be “normal” fog.
I rented a boat and approached the bay from the sea only to quickly find myself facing an armed patrol boat that intercepted me when I cleared the point of the Bay and before I could use my camera to video the thick fog hanging over it. That was the only place where the fog was to be seen that day, not out from the Bay and no where else out to sea or near it.
If you ask any high school student what causes fog you get a logical reason for the fog in Raptor’s Bay. You’d get fog like that if the water in the Bay is warmer than the water washing in from the Atlantic. Why is the water right there so much warmer than all of the water surrounding it? One very Logical reason would be that warm water is being pumped into it from a source on land, in this case the only possible source would be the A51 Grover’s Mill Facility power plant that is not now and has never been on line.
Doesn’t that fog suggest an underwater source of warm water. for example water that has been used to cool an operational nuclear facility?
The original plans for the A51 Grover’s Mill Facility called for a unique triple reactor design not seen elsewhere. That’s a lot of power generation for that little spot on Raptor’s Bay.
Having failed to speak with anyone in authority there other than stern-faced guards over the barrel of a gun I decided that I needed to try and get an employee there to speak with me “on or off the record.”
After months of hanging around the village of Raptor and its close neighbor the town of Haven, I began to uncover hints about what is really going on up there.
The first story, and I believe it was just that a story” was that A51 Grover’s Mill Facility is an experimental nuclear research location that is testing smaller, safer power generation designs to address the nation’s developing power grid shortcomings.
The story doesn’t fit the triple reactor design sitting down in Washington, does it?
That’s when I learned from one of their employees who cost me a small fortune in drinks that the research design story is the cover story for what’s going on in the first sub-basement there.
The facts stretch back to when investigative reporters and freedom of information act requests for the old “Area 51” base began getting too close to the truth, which resulted in the quiet and stealthy closure of Area 51. The section of that old base that was reverse-engineering various parts of crashed and shot-down Unidentified Flying Objects was moved into the subbasement up at the A51 Grover’s Mill Facility. This suggests why so much power generation is needed. This kind of research requires a remote location and a lot of electricity.
Shortly after learning about that I was astonished to learn from another employuee, one much more highly placed that the first sub basement research is but the cover story for what is going on in the second sub basement. The government had believed that the “reverse-engineering of crashed UFO’s” story would satisfy investigative reporters and conspiracy theorists and that would be the end of it.
They obviously hadn’t counted on people as dogged as I am.
The work being conducted in the second sub basement is so fantastic that I had to stretch my imagination to give it any credibility. Then I started doing some research about it. The second sub basement houses no less than the latest, most highly advanced unit of the Central Intelligence Agency perfecting “Remote Viewing.” If what this highly-placed source at the A51 Grover’s Mill Facility tells me is verifiable, then the CIA can watch America’s enemies plan operations, give orders to carry them out as well as brush their teeth after eating lunch.
But is it true? This “story” has not hard evidence to support it and certainly doesn’t require the power being generated by a triple-reactor facility. So, is this a diversionary story or yet another cover story for something else?
I decided to get my source very, very drunk which revealed the next and what I believe to be the last layer of the cover stories for the A51 Grover’s Mill Facility. It’s fantastic, but does explain the preceding cover stories, the need for massive amounts of power and all of the air-tight security.
The third sub basement is where the fully operational time machine has been built.
But I still need proof for all of this. I will have this proof by the end of next week. I’ll be meeting with another more highly placed source in the U.S. Government shortly. She’s willing to speak with me because she is so disenchanted with the internal governmental policies governing the use of time travel.
Blogger’s Note: This ends the writin left by the conspiracy theorist. He has not been heard from in the past 3 months, cannot be found and authorities refuse to search for him much less open and investigation about him or hissuspicions. Additionally they point out that there is no “Raptor’s Bay” on any map for Maine’s coastline nor does any stte or federal registry show any operational or deactivated nuclear facility named “A41 Grover’s Mill Facility.” Simnply stated, state and federal authorities steadfastly refuse to act on this matter.
If you have any information about this matter I’d suggest you keep quiet about it. There are now reports circulating that E.T.’s know where one of their missing vehicles is being kept and they want it back.
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