Non-weather gift idea for blind smart phone users
Are you, or is someone in your family blind or visually impaired? Is using a smart phone a pain in the back side?
OF the two smart phones designed by the blind for the blind, that I looked at, I would say the 2 models below are very near the top of the user friendly list. I’ve used off-the-shelf phones with built-in accessibility features that require a fight to use. Understand that these two phones are a personal opinion, not the result of an independent test.
I have a personal bias for phones that are designed by the blind because I’m blind, and am now retired. Hence, I want something that’s easy to use with tactile, intuitive controls. Hence I don’t really need a massive number of glitzy apps, and I know many others who are blind and feel the same. If you happen to be like me, why not take a look at the phones on these web sites? Each brand has upper and lower end models, so look them over and then do a separate google search to see what else is out there. Hey, Xmas is not that far off.
Smartvision II smart phone By Kapsys for the blind
Their top end model is just over $800.00, the “premium” model with at least one less expensive model.
Blind Shell smart phone
Blind Shell’s phone has many of the same features as the first brand mentioned, but is roughly half the price.
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