#MEwx Basics for getting tropical storm/hurricane data for this hurricane season
It’s Hurricane season. Time to keep an eye on the Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean, and all of the Atlantic, in particular points East over to the West coast of Africa where the storms get their start.
You can always go to:
That can provide you with dates and interesting storm facts.
The dates that define the annual hurricane seasons for the east and west coasts are as follows.
According to the National Hurricane Center in Miami Florida, Hurricane season
in the Atlantic begins June 1st and ends November 30th. The Eastern Pacific
hurricane season begins May 15th and also ends November 30th.
If you go to their web site at: http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/
You can get all recent storm data as well as tracking charts that you can
download for both the Atlantic and Pacific. There is a great deal of handy
information there too, so take a look on the site when you can.
The NHC has a selection of alternate formats including text only and formats for dial-up and smart phones. It’s all there.
To repeat, we’re in Hurricane season, so keep alert. Remember Sandy and Irene, and how long you were out of power. Get your generator serviced and buy another one or two gas cans for it. If you wait to the last minute you’ll be stuck again.
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