Hot, Muggy, chance for rain and Pinwheels for lunch
This morning we have mixed clouds and sun followed by clouds this afternoon. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. High 82°F. Winds SW at 5 to 10 mph.
Tonight we’ll have
The readings from my weather instruments are:
The Dew Point is 69.8°F, the humidity is 89%, and the outdoor temp is 73.2°F.
The wind direction is West between 0.0 MPH and 0.1 MPH.
The Relative pressure is 29.98, the Absolute pressure is 29.78 and rising with a weather graphic indicating sun.
The UV rating is 1 out of 16, Sunrise is 5:28 a.m. Sunset is 8:01 p.m., Moonrise is 11:32 p.m., Moonset is 12:03 a.m. and the moon phase is waning Gibbous being 63% illuminated.
Visibility is 10.0 miles / 16.1 Kilometers with Clouds to 12,000 feet.
We didn’t receive any rain here over the past 24 hours with more is on the way.
Space weather for today is:
The Solar flux is 68, the solar wind speed is 382 Kilometers per second and the chance of
a solar storm is 1%.
Its hot and muggy yet again today, so make some pinwheels for lunch.
6 servings
¼ cup mayonnaise or salad dressing
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
2 flour tortillas (8 to 10 inches in diameter)
1 cup fresh spinach
¼ lb thinly sliced ham
6 slices (¾ oz each) provolone cheese
1 medium tomato, thinly sliced
Mix mayonnaise and garlic; spread evenly over tortillas. Top tortillas with layers of spinach, ham, cheese and tomato; roll up tightly. Cut each tortillas into thirds; secure with toothpicks Serve immediately, or refrigerate until serving.
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