#MEwx Snow, mores snow, an extended storm warning and when the moon holds the moon in its lap
I’ve put up an Ambient WS 5000 weather station where you can view real time weather readings from my location online by clicking here.
We’re still under a Winter Storm Warning, it’s in the post preceding this one. You WANT to read it.
This morning we have snow with patchy freezing drizzle. A chance of snow showers this afternoon. Snow may be heavy at times early. Snow accumulation of 3 to 6 inches. Colder with highs around 20°F with Northeast winds around 10 mph gusting to 20 mph.
Tonight we’ll have snow with additional accumulation of 2 to 4 inches. Lows around 12°F with light and variable winds.
We’ve received roughly 4 inches of snow so far here over the past 24 hours. It’s still coming down.
The wind is East Northeast between 2.7 MPH and 4.9 MPH.
The Relative pressure is 29.91, the Absolute pressure is 29.71 and rising with a weather graphic indicating sun and snow. It’s still overcast and snowing right now though.
Visibility is 10.0 Miles / 16.1 Kilometers with overcast and blowing snow at times.
The UV index is 0 placing the average person at low risk and the solar radiation reading is 20.0W/m2. Sunrise is 6:28 AM, sunset is 5:19 PM, moonrise is 8:15 AM and Moonset is 9:35 PM. The moon is Waxing Crescent and is 11% illuminated. We’ll have 10 hours 52 minutes of daylight today. The next Full Moon is on March 9 with our next new moon being on March 21, 2023 .
“If the new moon holds the old moon in her lap, fair weather.”
Most of the time, it’s difficult to see the dark part of the moon during its new and crescent phases. This is because the air has a general state of turbulence — all kinds of molecules and particles banging into each other. In low pressure, poor weather systems, this is even more the case. During high pressure, fair weather systems though, the atmosphere clears up more than usual, and dim objects are easier seen by the human eye.
So, if you can see the dark part of the moon (that’s the meaning of the cryptic proverb), it means a high pressure system is making its way in, and you can expect good weather.
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