Above freezing with snow possible late in the day
Good Morning Augusta
This morning we have cloudy conditions with snow showers developing this afternoon. High 36F. Winds N at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of snow 40%.
Tonight we’ll have snow showers during the evening hours with breaks in the overcast later. Low around 25F. Winds NNW at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of snow 40%.
The readings from my instruments are:
Humidity is 88%, the dew point is 23ºF, its 28.6ºF outside with a wind chill of 28.6ºF.
The wind direction is North Northwest between 2.5 mph and 0.2 mph.
The Barometric pressure is 29.57 / HPA 1001.1 and falling with a weather graphic indicating rain.
The UV rating is 0.0 out of 16, Sunrise is at 7:00 a.m. Sunset is 4:43 P.M. Moon rise is at 10:33 P.M. EST and the moon phase is waning gibbous.
The Raw METAR reading from Augusta’s airport is:
SPECI KAUG 291224Z AUTO 33004KT 10SM SCT010 BKN016 OVC029 M03/M05 A2952 RMK AO2 T10281050
Visibility is 10.0 miles / 16.1 kilometers with scattered clouds to 1000 ft / 304 m and mostly cloudy conditions to 1600 ft / 487 m, and Overcast conditions to 2900 ft / 883 m.
We haven’t had any new snowfall over the past 24 hours. We’ll be above freezing for quite a while today, so watch for wet and slippery pavement.
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