Today's Weather for the Olympics in PyeongChang, South Korea
Good Morning world – the weather forecast for the winter Olympics in PyeongChang, South Korea is as follows:
(Note: These readings are actualy from Yongwol South Korea)
This morning they have mostly Cloudy skies with A High of 47° F.
Tonight they’ll have partly Cloudy skies with a low of 26° F.
Humidity is 24%, the Dew Point is 8°F -13°C. and the outdoor temp is 31°F 12°C.
The wind direction is unknown between 0.0 MPH/ x.x KMH.
The Relative barometric pressure is 30.28 in / 1025 hPa (Rising)
There is no UV rating shown at this time, Sunrise is 7:12 a.m. KST Sunset is 6:08 p.m. KST, Moonrise is 8:33 a.m. KST, Moonset is 8:26 p.m. KST. and The moon phase is waxing crescent.
The RAW METAR readings from Yongwol are:
AAXX 18124 47121 36969 /0000 11006 21131 39949 40252 52021 333 10064 3/103
Visibility is 12.0 miles / 20.0 kilometers with clear skies.
PyeongChang shows no precipitation readings.
Space Weather for planet earth today is:
Today’s Solar flux is 70, the solar wind speed is 590 Kilometers per second and the chance of a solar storm is 1%.
Our very best wishes go out to every single nation’s olympic atheletes- may peaceful competition in sports be the future wave of dispute resolution everywhere on earth.
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