Local Weather

Good morning from the northwest end of Augusta, Maine. IT is a bright and sunny morning, almost cloudless and in general a great way to wake up.

This morning's readings are:

a relative humidity of 87% with a Dew Point of 57.7ºF.

The temperature is 61.7ºF.

We barely have wind  today, highest gust up to 2.7 mph out of the South by Southeast. The highest gust recorded in the past week remains 17.9 mph. 

our Barometric pressure is 29.85 and falling.

There has been no rainfall in the past 24 hours.

Our overnight temperatures are beginning to drop into the 40's now, and we are starting to see some color in the Maple and oak trees, and the vegetable gardens are almost completely done now. It is definitely September weather, and the usual regiment of cold rain and warm weather storms haven't yet begun. However, it is now that time of year when the weather will be as unpredictable as the win record of the Boston Red Sox pitching staff.


Loyalty is trust. Respect must be earned. If you have to ask for either, you will have neither.

Kelly Russel

