Local weather for the Labor Day holiday

Good morning from the northwest end of Augusta, Maine where it is beginning as a rainy and humid morning.

According to the National forecasters, Lee's advance moisture is arriving here, and we are told to expect rain on an off today with a more steady rainfall in the evening hours.

This morning's readings are:

a relative humidity of 88%

It is 74.3ยบ f outside.

And we have a mild and variable wind velocity only gusting between 2.0 mph and up to .4 mph out of the NorthWest, and breezing in crosswinds. 

our Barometric pressure is 29.72 and falling

So far, we are told to expect more rain. Our luck will be rain and some wind, depending on how much punch Lee has left in him as he pushes north across the Mason-Dixon line.


"One of these days he's going to push his luck right off of a cliff!"

Author Unknown

