Local Weather Sept. 11, 2011

Good morning from the northwest end of Augusta, Maine 

This morning's readings are:

a relative humidity of 88% with a Dew Point of 51.6ºF.

At 4:00 a.m. it was 44 ºF. It is presently 55.8ºf outside. When the temperature begins to regularly register 40ºF and lower, we will begin reporting wind chill as well. As you may recall, wind chill is, in simple terms, a calculation of the air temperature and wind velocity.  For example, today's wind chill is 56.5ºF, not of real concern to us right now. But when it is snowing…

We have a wind velocity gusting between 1.3 mph and 4.0 mph out of the West Southwest. The highest gust recorded in the past week remains 17.9 mph. 

our Barometric pressure is   30.08 and rising.

There has been no rainfall in the past 24 hours.

In rememberance of the events of today in New York City 10 years ago, I join with everyone in the reflective courage unique to those of us who lived the astonished shock of that day, and watched as our sons and daughters marched off to confront it. The loss of trained men and women is tragic enough. The loss of innocent civilians is unforgivable.


"A professional military serves two purposes – to fight for those who cannot fight for themselves, and to teach your enemies that it is better to be at peace with you, than at war"

King Arthor



