Local Weather - Augusta ME

Good morning from the northwest end of Augusta, Maine.  Hurricane Katia has passed to our East. We have some slight cloud cover with our gusty wind conditions.

This morning's readings are:

a relative humidity of 62% with a Dew Point of 46.7                  ºF.

It is 59.8ºf outside.

And we have a wind velocity gusting between  4.0 mph and   12.3 mph out of the North by Northwest. The highest gust recorded in the past week remains 17.9 mph. 

our Barometric pressure is  29.87 and rising.

There has been no rainfall in the past 24 hours.

Since today is windy with a lower level of dew point and relative humidity, we're drying out more than we were yesterday. Given the recent rainfall, this is a good state of affairs.

 In the annual, unwinnable discussion over the amount of rainfall, we are somewhere in the plus collum, unless you live in a flood region, where you are definitely in the minus colum.

As one weather person recently said, "just believe that everything is going to be all right".


"Remember the Unicorn's bargain: "I'll believe in you if  you believe in me""


