Local Weather- Augusta Maine
Good morning from the northwest end of
This morning's readings are:
a relative humidity of 90% with a Dew Point of62.2 ºF.
It is 64.1ºf outside.
And we have a mild and variable wind velocity gusting between 1.5 mph and 2.0 mph out of the west. The highest gust recorded in the past week remains 17.9 mph.
our Barometric pressure is 29.77 and falling.
There has been no rainfall in the past 24 hours.
Just for the record, I have two barometers in the house, both read the same, and both are indicating impending rainfall. However, it would seem that the eastern passing of Katia is causing the barometric reading that is predicting rain. However, a glance via the orbital weather-eyes show that we aren't going to get rain today.
Aren't Barometers wonderful? They state the obvious weather truth, or so I was taught.
BAROMETER, n. An ingenious instrument which indicates what kind of
weather we are having.
Devil's dictionary by Ambrose Bierce
Author unknown believed to have originated in ancient
weather we are having.
Devil's dictionary by Ambrose Bierce
"There is a hole in the column of truth. There are just some things that nobody will ever believe, no matter how much you can prove it!"
Author unknown believed to have originated in ancient
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