Warm with some clouds, but no rain
This morning we have a mix of clouds and sun giving way to cloudy skies for this afternoon. High will reach 72ºF. Winds are NNE at 10 to 20 mph.
Tonight we’ll have partly cloudy skies with a low around 55 ºF. Winds will be from the NNE between 5 and 10 mph.
The readings from my weather instruments are:
Humidity is 78%, the Dew Point is 45.7ºF and the outdoor temp is 52.2ºF.
The wind direction is Northwest between 2.5 MPH and 7.4 MPH, with a heat index of 52ºF.
The Relative pressure is 29.99, the Absolute pressure is 29.79 and steady with a weather graphic indicating clouds.
The UV rating is 1 out of 16, Sunrise is 6:26 a.m. Sunset is 6:36 P.M. Moon rise is 8:46 a.m., Moon set is 8:10 p.m., and the moon phase is waxing crescent being 6% illuminated.
The RAW METAR readings from Augusta’s airport are:
METAR KAUG 220953Z AUTO 01010KT 10SM CLR 11/07 A3014 RMK AO2 SLP207 T01110067
Visibility is 10.0 Miles / 16.1 kilometers with clear skies.
We didn’t receive any rain here over the past 24 hours.
Space Weather for this morning is:
Today’s Solar flux is 75, the solar wind speed is 370 Kilometers per second and the chance of a solar storm is 1%.
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