Warm, overcast and rain
Well, at least it isn’t snowing again.
This morning it is cloudy with showers during the afternoon. High 51F. Winds SSW at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 70%.
Tonight it will be cloudy with periods of rain. Low near 35F. Winds N at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 90%. Rainfall near a half an inch.
The readings from my own weather instruments are:
The humidity is 85% with a dew point of 27.6ºF, Temperature is 28.3ºF and a wind chill of 39.2ºF
Our wind direction is South Southwest between 0.4 MPH and 2.7 MPH.
The Barometric pressure is 29.96 HPA 1014.5 and falling with a weather graphic indicating rain.
The UV rating is 0 out of 16, Sunrise is at 6:31 a.m. sunset is 6:58 PM and Moon Rise is 10:58 a.m. and the moon phase is waxing crescent.
For the pilots out there Raw Metar is:
METAR KAUG 261053Z AUTO 17003KT 8SM OVC007 02/01 A2991 RMK AO2 SLP131 T00220006
Visibility is 8.0 Miles/12.9 Kilometers with Overcast to 700 ft / 213 m.
We received some rain, not enough to measure, overnight with more for the day.
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