Sunny morning

Good Morning Augusta.
This morning it is sunny with an expected high of 75º, with 10-15 MPH winds.
Chance of rain is 0.
Tonight it will be clear with temps of 52 º with winds dropping to 5-10 MPH.
Chance of rain remains 0.
The readings outside right now, taken from my own weather instruments:
a relative humidity of 68% with a Dew Point of 50.3º F.
The temperature is 61.9ºF.
Presently we have North winds between 4.0 mph and 6.9 mph.
Our Barometric pressure is 30.18/HPA 1022.0 and rising with a weather
graphic indicating sun.
UV is 3 out of 16, sunset will be at 8:24 PM with Moon Rise at 1:42 a.m.
Eastern Daylight Time.
We had no precipitation in the past hour and overnight we had 0.40 inches of
Visibility is 10.0 miles / 16.1 kilometers.
Yesterday I posted a web site to build a $4 hot air balloon and a $17 rocket
glider. Why not stay closer to the ground, but still fly a bit?
How about building your own Hover craft?
This link has everything from radio control hover craft toys to "real" hover
craft kits that you assemble yourself, and designs and hover craft that are
already built and are for sale.
The next web site has a design to build a hover craft using either a leaf
blower or vacume cleaner. Hey, why not?
If you just want to look over plans and kits for building hover craft, go
