Glimmers of sun through the clouds
Good Morning Augusta.
This morning it is overcast with rain showers, then a chance of a
thunderstorm and rain showers in the afternoon. High of 70F. Winds from the
WSW at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 90%.
Tonight it will be overcast with a chance of rain. Low of 55F. Winds from
the West at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 40%.
The readings outside right now, taken from my own weather instruments are:
a relative humidity of 90% with a Dew Point of 61.4º F.
The temperature is 64.4ºF.
Presently we have West Southwest winds between 2.7 mph and 1.6 mph.
Our Barometric pressure is 29.39/HPA 995.2 and falling with a weather
graphic indicating rain.
UV is 1 out of 16, sunset will be at 8:27 PM with Moon Rise at 1:38 p.m.
Eastern Daylight Time, and the moon phase is First Quarter.
We had precipitation overnight in this area of 0.51 inches.
Visibility is 10.0 miles / 16.1 kilometers with overcast to 6500 ft / 1,981
This summer seems to be shaping up to be a real hot one. Since New
Englanders deal with the cold much better than the heat, I thought this
article might be helpful.
Below is an article put out from Baja California, where there is "real heat"
about dealing with the heat. It is copied from:
Keeping Hydrated in the Baja Heat
We continue to live and work in Baja year round. After our seemingly cooler
than usual winter temperatures, this week in La Paz soared past 100°F. It's
time to remind ourselves how important proper hydration is in your survival
in this beautiful but harsh climate. In this article we will cover the
physiology of hydration, the warning signs, prevention and treatments of
dehydration to make your Baja Summer just a little safer.
The circulation in your body helps to dissipate heat, but when the air
temperature is higher than 90°F, cooling by sweat is the only way to prevent
the body from overheating. Cooling through evaporation, or sweating, is
only possible when your body has been provided with enough fluids. Failing
to properly hydrate can result in dizziness, fainting, digestive problems
and even death.
Dehydration can quickly lead to fatal collapse of the circulatory system
because the heart and temperature control systems cannot dissipate the core
heat of your body. Your body is a little furnace, pumping blood, breathing
and digestive activity all generate heat deep in the core of your body. If
you are working in the heat, the activity of the muscles generates even more
energy. If you haven't consumed enough fluids to sweat and cool itself, your
body core temperature will rise and begin to destroy tissues and organs.
Collapse can come on quickly, although the body gives fair warning of the
problem, many people fail to react to the warning signs.
What happens to the body during heat stroke?
As the core temperature of the body rises blood flowing to the brain becomes
over heated. Brain cells are damaged over 102°F. Liver, kidney and heart
cells can take a beating too. Disorientation, frustration and irrational
behavior are symptoms which can also lead to a worsening of the situation,
particularly if you are alone. Vision can become blurred and hallucinations
can occur. The body will weaken to the point where even providing movement
can become exhaustive.
Your age & Your Weight affects risk of overheating
How old you are has a profound effect on your susceptibility to heat related
problems. After the age of 50 you are subject to increasing risk of over
heating. After age 65 your are more than twice as likely to suffer heat
related problems as someone in their 30's. The larger you are the more at
risk you are too. The distance from your skin to your body center and the
amount of fat insulating the core dramatically effect the body's ability to
cool itself.
Ways to prevent Heat Stroke and Overheating
Drink continuously, small amounts at a time are more quickly absorbed than
bolting down two glasses at a time. Working outside you should consume up
to 8 liters per day in our Baja climate. Two liters per day is an absolute
minimum for safety. Carbonated beverages and beer are not as effective at
replacing body fluids and the alcohol actually increases your dehydration.
Plain water at room temperature is the most quickly absorbed for
re-hydration. Taking very cold beverages can be refreshing but actually
closes the portals of absorption in your system and can lead to shock if you
are nearing a crisis point. Some experts recommend lightly salted beverages,
fruit juice tints and the addition of potassium to balance salts lost in
What you lose when sleeping is important too. Your lungs need to keep moist
to properly process the oxygen into your system. During the night the
inhaling and exhaling of the dry Baja air can rob your body of a lot of
fluids. Starting the day with juice or a large glass of water helps replace
these fluids. Coffee is just a bad idea during the hot weather, as a
diuretic it robs your system of even more fluids.
Clothing is important. Loose fitting, breathable clothing can help wick the
moisture away from your body and increase the evaporative cooling.
Protecting your skin from the sun prevents solar heating of the skin which
is trying to dissipate the heat and also prevents sunburn. Wearing a light
colored hat protects the face and keeps the brain case cooler. Take the time
to erect a shade over a work area if possible. It may take a bit more time
but will pay-off before mid-day in Baja. Water-proof sunscreens may actually
block pores in their effort to help cool the body.
This morning it is overcast with rain showers, then a chance of a
thunderstorm and rain showers in the afternoon. High of 70F. Winds from the
WSW at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 90%.
Tonight it will be overcast with a chance of rain. Low of 55F. Winds from
the West at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 40%.
The readings outside right now, taken from my own weather instruments are:
a relative humidity of 90% with a Dew Point of 61.4º F.
The temperature is 64.4ºF.
Presently we have West Southwest winds between 2.7 mph and 1.6 mph.
Our Barometric pressure is 29.39/HPA 995.2 and falling with a weather
graphic indicating rain.
UV is 1 out of 16, sunset will be at 8:27 PM with Moon Rise at 1:38 p.m.
Eastern Daylight Time, and the moon phase is First Quarter.
We had precipitation overnight in this area of 0.51 inches.
Visibility is 10.0 miles / 16.1 kilometers with overcast to 6500 ft / 1,981
This summer seems to be shaping up to be a real hot one. Since New
Englanders deal with the cold much better than the heat, I thought this
article might be helpful.
Below is an article put out from Baja California, where there is "real heat"
about dealing with the heat. It is copied from:
Keeping Hydrated in the Baja Heat
We continue to live and work in Baja year round. After our seemingly cooler
than usual winter temperatures, this week in La Paz soared past 100°F. It's
time to remind ourselves how important proper hydration is in your survival
in this beautiful but harsh climate. In this article we will cover the
physiology of hydration, the warning signs, prevention and treatments of
dehydration to make your Baja Summer just a little safer.
The circulation in your body helps to dissipate heat, but when the air
temperature is higher than 90°F, cooling by sweat is the only way to prevent
the body from overheating. Cooling through evaporation, or sweating, is
only possible when your body has been provided with enough fluids. Failing
to properly hydrate can result in dizziness, fainting, digestive problems
and even death.
Dehydration can quickly lead to fatal collapse of the circulatory system
because the heart and temperature control systems cannot dissipate the core
heat of your body. Your body is a little furnace, pumping blood, breathing
and digestive activity all generate heat deep in the core of your body. If
you are working in the heat, the activity of the muscles generates even more
energy. If you haven't consumed enough fluids to sweat and cool itself, your
body core temperature will rise and begin to destroy tissues and organs.
Collapse can come on quickly, although the body gives fair warning of the
problem, many people fail to react to the warning signs.
What happens to the body during heat stroke?
As the core temperature of the body rises blood flowing to the brain becomes
over heated. Brain cells are damaged over 102°F. Liver, kidney and heart
cells can take a beating too. Disorientation, frustration and irrational
behavior are symptoms which can also lead to a worsening of the situation,
particularly if you are alone. Vision can become blurred and hallucinations
can occur. The body will weaken to the point where even providing movement
can become exhaustive.
Your age & Your Weight affects risk of overheating
How old you are has a profound effect on your susceptibility to heat related
problems. After the age of 50 you are subject to increasing risk of over
heating. After age 65 your are more than twice as likely to suffer heat
related problems as someone in their 30's. The larger you are the more at
risk you are too. The distance from your skin to your body center and the
amount of fat insulating the core dramatically effect the body's ability to
cool itself.
Ways to prevent Heat Stroke and Overheating
Drink continuously, small amounts at a time are more quickly absorbed than
bolting down two glasses at a time. Working outside you should consume up
to 8 liters per day in our Baja climate. Two liters per day is an absolute
minimum for safety. Carbonated beverages and beer are not as effective at
replacing body fluids and the alcohol actually increases your dehydration.
Plain water at room temperature is the most quickly absorbed for
re-hydration. Taking very cold beverages can be refreshing but actually
closes the portals of absorption in your system and can lead to shock if you
are nearing a crisis point. Some experts recommend lightly salted beverages,
fruit juice tints and the addition of potassium to balance salts lost in
What you lose when sleeping is important too. Your lungs need to keep moist
to properly process the oxygen into your system. During the night the
inhaling and exhaling of the dry Baja air can rob your body of a lot of
fluids. Starting the day with juice or a large glass of water helps replace
these fluids. Coffee is just a bad idea during the hot weather, as a
diuretic it robs your system of even more fluids.
Clothing is important. Loose fitting, breathable clothing can help wick the
moisture away from your body and increase the evaporative cooling.
Protecting your skin from the sun prevents solar heating of the skin which
is trying to dissipate the heat and also prevents sunburn. Wearing a light
colored hat protects the face and keeps the brain case cooler. Take the time
to erect a shade over a work area if possible. It may take a bit more time
but will pay-off before mid-day in Baja. Water-proof sunscreens may actually
block pores in their effort to help cool the body.
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