Wind chill advisory
Wind Chill Warning, Winter Weather Advisory
Expires 10:00 AM EST on January 03, 2014
Statement as of 4:06 am EST on January 3, 2014
Wind chill warning remains in effect until 1 PM EST this
Winter Weather Advisory remains in effect until 10 am EST this
* hazard types... snow and cold.
* Accumulations... snow accumulation of 3 to 5 inches.
* Timing... light snow will continue into mid morning.
* Impacts... slippery snow covered roadways and sharply reduced
visibilities at times.
* Winds... north 10 to 15 mph with gusts up to 25 mph.
* Temperatures... 13 below to zero.
* Wind chill... as low as 36 below due to temperatures 13 below
to zero... and winds north 10 to 15 mph with gusts up to 25 mph.
* Visibilities... a half mile or less at times.
Precautionary/preparedness actions...
A wind chill warning means the combination of very cold air and
gusty winds will create dangerously low wind chill values. This
will result in frost bite or lead to hypothermia or death if
precautions are not taken. If you must go outside dress in
layers... and keep all your skin and your head covered. Protect
livestock from the cold and bring your pets inside.
A Winter Weather Advisory for snow and blowing snow means that
visibilities will be limited due to a combination of falling and
blowing snow. Use caution when traveling... especially in open
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