Clear, sunny and why is January's full moon known as a "wolf Moon"
This morning it is partly cloudy. High of 46F. Winds less than 5 mph.
Tonight it will be mostly cloudy. Low of 28F. Winds less than 5 mph.
The readings from my own instruments are:
The humidity is 89% with a Dew Point of 30ºF and a wind chill of 31.7ºF.
The temperature Is 31.7ºF.
The Wind is Southwest between 3.5 MPH and 7.3 MPH.
Our Barometric pressure is 30.26 HPA 1013 and rising with a weather graphic indicating sun.
Our UV rating is 0 out of 16, sunset will be at 4:25 PM with Moon Rise at 4:22 p.m. EST and the moon phase is a full Wolf moon.
For the pilots out there, Raw Metar readings are:
METAR KAUG 151153Z AUTO 00000KT 10SM CLR 01/M01 A2991 RMK AO2 SLP132 60001 70087 T00061006 10039 20006 51040
Visibility is 10.0 miles/16.1 Kilometers with clear skies.
We have had rain in the amount of .99 inches in the pst 24 hours.
Ever wonder why January's full moon is called a "Full Wolf Moon?"
Full Wolf Moon
by Farmers' Almanac Staff, Monday, January 13th, 2014 | From:
Amid the cold and deep snows of midwinter, the howling of wolves could be heard in the cold winter nights outside Indian villages. Thus, the name for January's full moon, the Full Wolf Moon.
Because wolves often hunt at night, their howling has become associated with nightfall and particularly, the moon. However the centuries-old notion of wolves howling at the full moon is known to be more folklore than fact.
Because January's full moon was usually the first full moon after Christmas, some cultures referred to it as the Moon After Yule. Others have sometimes referred to January's full moon as the Full Snow Moon, but most Native American tribes applied that name to the next full moon.
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