Snowy morning
Good Morning
This morning it is mostly cloudy then growing overcast. High of 39F with a windchill as low as 23F. Winds from the West at 10-15 mph with gusts to 35 mph.
Tonight it will be mostly cloudy. Low of 16F with a windchill as low as 3F. Winds from the WNW at 10-15 mph.
The readings outside right now, taken from my own weather instruments:
a relative humidity of 87% with a Dew Point of 32.9ºF.
The temperature is 35.6ºF with no wind chill at this time.
We have East winds between 0.5 mph and 1.7 mph increasing as the day progresses.
Our Barometric pressure is 29.01 and falling. The weather graphic indicates rain.
We had precipitation in the past 24 hours in the form of snow to a depth of 4 inches, the rainfall is difficult to measure, but is in the range of one inch.
Visibility is 10.0 miles and mostly cloudy down to 5,500 feet.
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