Freezing fog and slippery
Good Morning
This morning it is overcast with a chance of rain, then a chance of rain in the afternoon. High of 45F. Winds from the SSW at 5-10 mph. Chance of rain 50%.
Tonight it will be partly cloudy with a chance of rain, then overcast with a chance of snow and a chance of rain. Low of 36F. Winds from the South at 5-10 mph. Chance of precipitation 30%.
The readings outside right now, taken from my own weather instruments:
a relative humidity of 87% with a Dew Point of 31.6ºF.
The temperature is 35.5ºF with no wind chill at this time.
We have South Southeast winds between 0.0 mph and 1.3 mph.
Our Barometric pressure is 29.58 and falling. The weather graphic indicates rain.
We had precipitation overnight in the form of snow/rain to a depth of 1.5 inches.
Visibility is 0.02 miles with light freezing fog and some clouds.
Try this weather quiz, and I will post the answers to it tomorrow morning here.
1) Which is safest during a tornado?
a) Inside a car
b) Under an overpass
c) In a ditch
d) Under a tree
2) Which kills more people every year?
a) Lightning
b) Floods
c) Tornadoes
d) Hurricanes
3) Which type of cloud is highest in the atmosphere?
a) Cirrus
b) Altostratus
c) Cumulus
d) Nimbostratus
4) Which type of cloud is most likely to produce rain?
a) Cirrus
b) Altocumulus
c) Cirrostratus
d) Cumulus
5) Which type of cloud produces lightning?
a) Altostratus
b) Cumulonimbus
c) Cirrocumulus
d) Nimbus
6) Which time of day is the best for tornado development?
a) 6:00am - 10:00am
b) 8:00pm - midnight
c) 3:00pm - 6:00pm
d) Noon - 4:00pm
7) True or false: Tornadoes do not form in temperatures lower than 50 degrees Fahrenheit.
8) True or false: A tornado that forms over water is called a Waterdevil.
9) True or false: Cold air is heavier than warm air.
10) For golf-ball sized hail, a storms updraft must be:
a) 70 mph
b) 20 mph
c) 50 mph
d) Does not need an updraft.
(Good Luck)
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