#MEwx Cold, sun, Kid-pleasing Chili and a bounty on the Groundhog?
This morning we have partly sunny skies with highs around 19°F. West winds around 10 mph. Wind chill values as low as 13 below this morning.
Tonight we’ll have mostly clear skies with lows around 3°F and light, variable winds.
The readings from my weather instruments are:
The outdoor temperature is 3.9°F, Humidity is 36% and the Dew Point is -17.1°F.
The wind direction is South Southwest between 1.3 MPH and 2.5 MPH with a Wind chill of 3.9°F.
The Relative pressure is 29.80, the Absolute pressure is 29.60 and rising with a weather graphic indicating sun.
Visibility is 10.0 miles / 16.1 Kilometers with clear skies.
The UV rating is 1 out of 16, Sunrise is 6:06 A.M., Sunset is 5:34 P.M., Moonrise is 6:54 A.M., Moonset is 6:36 P.M. and tonight we have a NEW MOON.
Augusta’s RAW METAR readings are:
METAR KAUG 071053Z AUTO 25005KT 10SM CLR M14/M22 A3011 RMK AO2 SLP205 T11441217
We didn’t receive any rain or snow here over the past 24 hours.
“Got kids?” Try this quick and easy cold weather meal for them. It really is delicious.
8 serving (or enough chili for 2 recipes, 4 1/3 each)
2 lbs ground beef
2 cans (15 to 16 oz each) kidney beans, rinsed and drained
2 cans (10 ¾ oz each) condensed tomato soup
2 soup cans water
2 tbsp instant minced onion
4 to 6 tsp chili powder
Cook beef in 4-quart Dutch oven over medium heat 8 to 10 minutes, stirring occasionally, until brown; drain. Stir in remaining ingredients. Heat to boiling, reduce heat. Cover and simmer 3 minutes, stirring occasionally.
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