Clear, sunny and herb gardens with "magical" herbs in them?
This morning it is partly cloudy. High of 75F. Winds from the West at 5 to 10 mph.
Tonight it will be partly cloudy. Low of 55F. Winds less than 5 mph.
The readings from my own instruments are:
The humidity is 86% with a Dew Point of 58ºF and a temp of 66.4ºF.
Our wind direction is West Southwest between 2.4 MPH and 5.3 MPH.
Our Barometric pressure is 29.95 HPA 1002 and rising with a weather graphic indicating sun.
The UV rating is 0 out of 16 Sunrise is at 5:22 a.m. sunset is 8:07 PM and Moon Rise is at 8:04 a.m. EDT and the moon phase is Waxing Crescent.
For the pilots out there:
METAR KAUG 290953Z AUTO 29007KT 10SM BKN065 16/14 A2959 RMK AO2 SLP020 T01610139
Visibility is 10.0 miles/16.1 Kilometers with Mostly cloudy conditions to 6500 ft / 1981 m.
We received rain here in the amount of 0.47 inches over the past 24 hours.
Recently I was working in my yard when I began to notice that I seemed to have become very popular with Thistles. I battled, and won, against Bamboo, but Thistles are new to me.
So, I looked them up and ran across something fun about them. I thought I'd share it on this blog.
So, the next time someone asks you what the Magical properties of Thistles are, you will have the answer to the question ready to hand.
Magical Herbs beginning with the letter T:
Tansy . . . .
(Tanacetum vulgare) Also known as Buttons. The herb given to Ganymede to confer immortality upon him.
Magickal Uses: Once used in embalming preparations, tansy is known as an herb of immortality and longevity. A branch is an appropriate herb to use in asperging
a body, a gravesite, or a ritual area. Tansy is carried to lengthen the life span and placed in shoes to cure persistent fevers. Use to repel ants.
Tansy is useful as a herbe of Immortality, particularly in regard to the Divine Feminine principal of the universe. This is an excellent herbe to bring
to rituals of death and dying. A bunch of Tansy may be used to aspurge either the circle during the rite or the physical remains of the deceased.
Tansy's association with rebirth is strong. Although unlikely to bloom at Eostara, Tansy gathered from the previous year's harvest is well suited for Eostara
rites. For uses such as this, it can be gathered at any time.
For those wishing to enter the realm of our Mother's mysteries, Tansy can be combined with a ritual of purification when seeking to be placed within our
Divine Mother's care. The dietary work should last through a full lunar cycle.
Give live Tansy flowers to a woman you hold in high esteem.
Thistle . . . .
(Carduus spp.) Also known as Lady's Thistle, Thrissles. In Ol' England, wizards would select the tallest thistle to make into a magick wand or a "walking
stick." Many thistles are used, but the three best known are Blessed Thistle (Holy Thistle), Teasel, and Milk Thistle.
Magickal Uses: An herb of protection and vitality. A bowlful placed in a room strengthens the spirits and renews vitality. One may be carried for added
strength and energy. They offer protection when grown in the garden or carried in the pocket. Throwing them into a fire will deflect lightning away from
your home. Wearing a garment made from thistle will break any spell. Poppets are also stuffed with thistle to break spells. Use in healing spells and for
depression. It is said that when a man carries one he becomes a better lover. A method of calling spirits is to boil some thistle. After removing it from
the heat, be seated next to the bowl and begin meditating. As the steam rises, so will your questions and their answers will be heard.
(Centaurea benedicta) Also known as Blessed Thistle
Magickal Uses: Blessed thistle is an herb of protection used in the ritual bath. It is also used to counteract hexing. Thistle brings spiritual, physical,
and financial blessings. Carry one to bring joy, energy, vitality, and protection. A shirt with thistle fibers woven into it will protect the wearer from
any spell. Thistles make men better lovers. The herb has been used to make magickal wands and to conjure or communicate with spirits.
Thyme . . . .
(Thymus vulgaris) Also known as Common Thyme, Mother of Thyme, and Garden Thyme. A Druid sacred herb.
Parts Used: Above-ground portions of the herb.
Magical Uses: The Greeks burned thyme in their temples to purify them as we do today to purify an area. A place where wild thyme grows will be a particularly powerful energy center on earth. Add it to the magickal-cleansing bath of springtime, along with marjoram, to remove all sorrows and ills of winter. To ensure a restful night's sleep free from nightmares, sleep with it beneath your pillow.
When attending a funeral, wear a sprig of thyme to repel the negativity of the mourners. It is worn or added to the ritual cup to aid in communicating
with the deceased. (It also helps one see Otherworldly entities.) When worn it will help psychic powers develop, and if worn be a woman in her hair, it
will make her irresistible. Thyme can be a valuable incense to protect against dangerous creatures, insects and reptiles. Thyme may be used to call upon
faerie folk.
Thyme carries with it the magick of light and is an excellent choice for those who take themselves too seriously. Practitioners can work with Thyme to
increase their courage, giving them the power to meet that which confronts them. It can also be used to keep a light heart when working hard to achieve
one's goals. Gather Thyme with marigolds majoram and Wormwood for love divination on Saint Luke's Day.
Tobacco . . . .
(Nicotiana spp.) The cured, dried leaves are smoked as a narcotic, but the poisonous incotine the contain causes heart and lung disease and cancer. North
and South American tribes smoke the leaves in ceremonies.
Parts Used: Leaf
Magical Uses: This plant has long been regarded as sacred by most Native American peoples and used in numerous religious ceremonies. In some shamanic traditions,
candidates drink tobacco juice to induce visions as part of their trainng. A poultice made with tobacco is effective in reducing the pain and swelling
from insect stings.
Tobacco is a magical substitute for sulphur, as well as for datura and nightshade, both of which are related to tobaco. It can be substituted for any other
poisonous herb in ritual incense blends. Although it is regularly smoked by millions, tobacco is a very poisonous plant and can kill.
Smoke is one of the vehicles by which prayers are transported. It allows communication with the spirits of the other levels of existence. It is also used
to purify an area of all negativity and spirits. In South America, tobacco is thrown into the river before beginning a journey as an offering to the river
gods. It is also used to purify one of evil after a nightmare. This is done by washing in a running stream and then throwing in tobacco as an offering
to the Great Water Spirit.
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