#MEwx Sun, cooling temps, your quote for today and more weather tidbits

Good morning Augusta

You can find my personal weather station list with AMBIENT weather.com as KMEAUGUS22. That stands for Kennebec County in Augusta, Maine that first went on line in 2022. There is a 20 second delay between when the station reads the weather and when it hits the web.

This morning we have mostly sunny skies with a slight chance of snow showers, then a chance of snow showers this afternoon. Highs around 40°F with Southwest winds 10 to 15 mph gusting to 30 mph.

Tonight we’ll have mostly clear conditions with lows around 19°F. Winds will be from the West around 10 mph gusting to 25 mph.

The outdoor temperature is 34.2°F, the dewpoint is 31.6°F and the wind chill is 34.2°F.

We received roughly 2.5 inches of rain here over the past 24 hours.

Today’s sunrise is 7:07 AM, sunset is 4:01 PM and we’ll have 8 hours 53 minutes of daylight today.

Moonrise is 1:42 PM and Moonset is 4:05 AM. The moon phase is Waxing Gibbous and is 86% illuminated. Our next full moon will be on December 15 and our next new moon is on December 30.

The wind is from the West Southwest between 2.5 MPH and  3.4 MPH.

The Relative pressure is 29.44, the Absolute pressure is 29.24 and rising with a weather graphic indicating sun and some clouds.

The Humidity is 90%, the UV index is 0 placing the average person at low risk and the solar radiation reading is 21.4W/m2.

Visibility is 10.0 Miles / 16.1 Kilometers


"A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable but more useful than a life spent doing nothing."

Original author unknown


What’s the difference between Freezing Rain and Sleet?

Freezing Rain and Sleet

Both freezing rain and sleet occur by the same general process: liquid raindrops in a layer of warm air well above the surface fall into a layer of freezing

air hugging the ground.  The difference between these two wintry precipitation types depends on the thickness of the layer of freezing air.


Freezing rain occurs when the layer of freezing air is so thin that the raindrops do not have enough time to freeze before reaching the ground.  Instead,

the water freezes on contact with the surface, creating a coating of ice on whatever the raindrops contact.


Sleet is simply frozen raindrops and occurs when the layer of freezing air along the surface is thicker.  This causes the raindrops to freeze before reaching

the ground. 


Why are Freezing Rain and Sleet Dangerous?

Both of these wintry precipitation types are hazardous for travelers.  With either type, the ice can create slick spots on roadways, causing motorists

to lose control of their automobiles with little to no warning.  Bridges, overpasses and elevated roadways are especially suseptible to icing as they are

surrounded on all sides by the cold air and freeze more quickly. 

In addition, ice caused by freezing rain can rapidly add weight to tree branches and power lines, causing them to snap or break.  In addition to these

fallen branches causing damage to whatever they land on, power outages may also occur.


How is Icing Caused by Freezing Rain Measured?

Ice accumulation from freezing rain does not coat the surface of objects evenly.  Gravity will usually cause the rain water to run to the underside of

an object before it freezes.  Wind can create the same effect.  In either case, the result would be a thicker coating of ice on one side of the object

compared to the opposite side.

You can accurately estimate the thickness of the ice with the method below.  You will need a ruler and possibly a piece of paper and pencil.

1. Locate an ice-covered object that is out in the open.  A small tree branch in the middle of the yard or clothesline is usually easiest to handle.

2. Move to a position where you can see both the thickest and thinnest portions of ice coating the object from one side to the other.

3. Using the ruler, measure the thickest part of the ice, from the edge of the object to the edge of the ice. Record that value on your paper.

4. Similarly, measure the thinest part of the ice, from the edge of the object to the edge of the ice. Record that value on your paper.

5. Add the two values together and then divide by two.  The resulting value is your ice accumulation. 


How is Sleet Measured?

Sleet is measured much the same way snow depth is measured. You will need a ruler, and possibly a piece of paper and a pen.

1. Locate a surface that is solid, level and in the open.  Avoid measuring sleet depth under trees or directly next to buildings.

2. Slide the ruler directly downward into the sleet until it reaches the ground.

3. Read the value on the ruler to the nearest tenth of an inch, if possible.

4. Record this value on your piece of paper.
