#MEwx Foggy, rainy and sun later and some chemical free laundry tips for you
Click here to view weather readings in real time from my own personal wireless weather station.
This morning we have mostly cloudy skies becoming partly sunny. Areas of fog with a slight chance of showers and thunderstorms this afternoon. Highs around 80°F. South winds will be around 10 mph.
Tonight we’ll have partly cloudy conditions with a slight chance of showers and thunderstorms during evening hours. Lows in the mid 50s with Southwest winds around 10 mph gusting to 20 mph, becoming northwest after midnight.
The outdoor temperature is 66.0°F, the dewpoint is 65.7°F and it feels like 66.0°F.
We received 0.25 inches of rain here over the past 24 hours.
Today’s sunrise is 6:03 AM, sunset is 7:17 PM and we’ll have 13 hours 13 minutes of daylight today. Moonrise is rr4:15 AM and Moonset is 7:02 PM. The moon phase is a NEW MOON and is xx% illuminated. Our next full moon will be on September 17 and our next new moon is on October 28 (during lunar eclipse).
The wind velocity is between 2.0 MPH and 3.4 MPH from the West Southwest.
The Relative pressure is 29.66, the Absolute pressure is 29.46 and rising with a weather graphic indicating sun and a few clouds.
The Humidity is 99%, the UV index is 0 placing the average person at low risk and the solar radiation reading is 15.6W/m2.
Visibility is 10.0 Miles / 16.1 Kilometers with overcast and fog in places, but sunny above it all.
Here’s another set of chemical free cleaning tips which is, like many other tips I’ve posted on this blog, free out there on the web. Enjoy.
Your laundry is a household task that never seems to be really done, it seems that the more you wash, the more there is to wash. Keeping up with the laundry
will mean that you will also need to keep up with the different colors, the different needs of fabrics, stains and those yucky odors. In these tips you
will find tips for odors, stains and to help make your laundry come out looking great.
Baby Items
Do you still have a strange baby sour smell after you have washed your babies’ clothes or diapers? Using just one cup of vinegar in the wash will neutralize
all of these smells.
Soaking your baby clothes in a bucket of water and two cups of peroxide between washing will keep stains and odors under control.
Soaking your baby clothes in a bucket of water and about a cup of baking soda will eliminate odors between washings.
To help fight diaper rash, use about one cup of vinegar in the wash cycle of your diaper load to cut detergents that are left behind in the diapers. These
detergents can often be the cause of baby discomfort.
If you want to set your colors in new clothes that you have bought, soak them in a sink of cool water with about one quarter cup of vinegar. The vinegar
will set the color so that you can wash these new clothes in your regular laundry.
If you find that your soft water creates loads of suds when you are washing, you can add a cup of vinegar to the wash load to cut the suds to a normal level.
Do you like creases in your pants and in your dress clothes? If you are using a steam iron add about one third cup of vinegar to the water in your iron
for a great fold that you can keep throughout the wear.
Keep your iron from sticking to your delicates when you are ironing with spray starch by adding a few sprinkles of salt over the fabric after you have sprayed
before ironing.
To get rid of pet hair on your knitted clothes while you are washing them, add a half a cup of vinegar to the wash when you are on the rinse cycle to loosen
all pet hair from your clothes. This will also leave your clothes static free!
If you are in a hurry and you have cat hair all over your sweater or on your pants, take a piece of sticky tape and wrap it backwards on your hand (sticky
side out) and dab your hand over the hair to pick it all up fast.
General Laundry
To brighten your whites add a cup of hydrogen peroxide to the rinse cycle of your white clothes. The peroxide will also deep clean your clothes from any
bacteria or molds.
Using one cup of vinegar in every rinse cycle of your wash will cut out static electricity and will freshen your clothes. If you are looking to add another
type of smell to your laundry, use oil scents. Add a few drops to a wet wash cloth and drop in the wash on the rinse cycle.
You can naturally bleach your clothes by adding a cup of lemon juice to the rinse cycle of your wash, and then hang to dry outdoors. The sun works with
the lemon juice to bring out natural white colors.
Use a half a cup of baking soda to the wash when you first put your clothes in the washer to cut odors quickly.
Do you like to use starch when you are ironing? To stiffen up your ironed clothes for great creases and getting out stubborn wrinkles you can make your
own starch by using a spray bottle, adding two tablespoons of cornstarch and adding one cup of water. Remember to shake before each use for best results.
Have your children been coloring lately? If you have found crayon marks on their clothes you could use an old toothbrush and rub vinegar on the marks to
work out the colors from the crayon. For particular hard crayon stains boil the vinegar first to loosen the wax.
Does someone in your home dye his or her hair? If you have gotten a little hair dye on your shirts or on a towel you can use full strength vinegar to soak
the stain for about two hours and then wash as usual.
Cleaning stains from a piece of suede pants, shoes or jacket is done easily by using a toothbrush dipped in vinegar and very gently rub over the stained
area. If you rub too hard you could cause discoloration to you suede.
Soaps will only work on grease stains. If you have a favorite detergent that you use to do the dishes, this is most likely strong enough to get grease stains
out simply by pouring it on the stained area and rubbing the garment together.
Ketchup, mustard and jellies are quickly removed when using vinegar poured straight on the stained area and letting it sit overnight before washing.
If you have a red blood meat stain or a yellow egg stain, you can usually rinse this out with hot water. Soaking the article in plain hot water for about
an hour and then rubbing the stain with a toothbrush will bring this stain out.
Vinegar will also remove stubborn red wine stains on clothes or on a table cloth by using straight vinegar on the affected spot and adding to your wash
as you normally would.
Keep in mind that less than ten percent of stains will need the help of some type of stain remover. Most stains easily wash out of many types of fabrics
by using cold water on the affected area, or by using club soda poured over the stain before washing.
Do you have a problem with perspiration stains on your lightest colored clothing? You can pour vinegar on the effected area to neutralize the stain and
let it sit for an hour or two before washing as you normally would.
Have you found a grass stain on your children’s best jeans? You can get this stain out by using vinegar on the area and then rubbing it in with a toothbrush.
You can get out sweat stains on your lighter colored clothes by using a paste of baking soda and vinegar. Let this paste sit on the stain for an hour or
two and then launder as usual.
If blood has stained fabrics; you can soak the fabric in salt water (one cup per gallon of water) and let this soak over night before laundering as usual.
Accidents happen, and to remove blood stains from clothes soak the clothing in cold saltwater overnight and then launder as usual. After you launder, but
before you dry the item, boil a pan of water and boil the item for just a few minutes. You can only use this method with clothing that can take the high
heat of boiling, refer to the clothing tag to be sure.
Gas stains and odors are easily removed from clothes when you add one cup of vinegar to the wash cycle of your laundry.
If you have mildew stains on fabrics, use a paste of lemon juice and salt on an affected area and let this hang on your clothesline for the day. Bring in
the article and wash as you normally would.
If you have spilled wine on your favorite tablecloth, quickly sprinkle salt on the wine stain. The salt will absorb most of the wine back out of the tablecloth,
and what is left behind you can simply wash out with vinegar.
If you have stubborn stains, soak your clothes in the washer with two cups of salt over night. The salt-water solution will loosen dirt and stains.
To remove ink stains you can spray hair spray on the piece of clothing to lift the ink back out, then launder as usual.
If you have stubborn large ink stains you can get these out of your white colored clothes by making a paste of lemon juice and salt. After applying the
lemon juice and salt paste, hang this article of clothing on your outdoor clothesline for the afternoon and then laundry as usual.
To brighten your clothes try this natural bleaching technique. Get a large pot of water, add one cup of salt and one cup of baking soda, and bring to a
boil. Put the fabric in that you want to bleach or brighten and soak for an hour.
Are your white tennis shoes looking a little grey? Using a quart of warm water and half a cup of ammonia scrub your shoes gently with a brush and set to
dry for a quick pick me upper for your shoes.
For general cleaning of your tennis shoes, use a half a cup of vinegar and a quart of warm water, scrub using a soft brush. The vinegar water will loosen
dirt and grime for a clean shine to your shoes.
To cover up scratches on your black tennis shoes or black dress shoes when you are in a real hurry, use a black crayon to cover up the scratch, or you can
use a wet tea bag placed on the area to cover the scratch good enough to get on your way. Then you can fix the scratch later with polish.
Do you have an important date? Use a soft cloth and a dab of Vaseline to add a great shine to your shoes that will finish off your polished look.
Are you out of shoe polish? Use lemon juice on a soft cloth to polish your leather shoes.
To clean your leather shoes you can also use a soft cloth and white vinegar to get a deep clean on black or brown leathers. Be careful with colors that
run, always test the leather before cleaning the entire shoe.
You can get some minor types of scuffmarks off your tennis shoes by using a pencil eraser rubbed gently.
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