#MEwx Cooler, sunny and chemical free cleaning for special things
Click here to view weather readings in real time from my own personal wireless weather station.
This morning we have sunny skies with a high in the lower 70s. Winds will be Northwest 10 to 15 mph gusting to 25 mph.
Tonight we’ll have mostly clear conditions during evening hours, becoming partly cloudy. Lows in the upper 40s with light and variable winds.
The outdoor temperature is 56.1°F, the dewpoint is 48.6°F and it feels like 56.1°F.
We didn’t receive any rain here over the past 24 hours.
Today’s sunrise is 6:06 AM, sunset is 7:13 PM and we’ll have 13 hours 7 minutes of daylight today. Moonrise is 6:26 AM and Moonset is 7:36 PM. The moon phase is a NEW MOON and is xx% illuminated. Our next full moon will be on September 17 and our next new moon is on October 28 (during lunar eclipse).
The wind velocity is between 0.0 MPH and 4.7 MPH from the North Northwest.
The Relative pressure is 30.02, the Absolute pressure is 29.82 and rising with a weather graphic indicating sun and a few clouds.
The Humidity is 75%, the UV index is 3 placing the average person at low risk and the solar radiation reading is 363.3W/m2.
Visibility is 10.0 Miles / 16.1 Kilometers with clear blue skies up there.
Here’s another set of chemical free cleaning tips which is, like many other tips I’ve posted on this blog, free out there on the web. Enjoy.
Cleaning for your other special things
When you are at home, at the office or even when you are away on vacation you will find that you may have special needs in cleaning various items. This
section is a combination of many of the tips that we have talked about, with a few new added as well that didn’t particularly fit into any one category.
Cleaning your fiberglass, ceramic, porcelain or enamel type fixtures is easy using two tablespoons of baking soda and four cups of hot water. Making this
thin mixture, rubbing it over your fixtures will leave you with a great shine.
Vinegar and salt mixed together can be used to clean many types of stains on dishes, pots and pans and even in your sink.
Using baking soda on a sponge wet with vinegar will freshen while it cleans all over your home.
Cleaning your hands is easy using baby oil and rubbing your fingers together in a wringing motion. This will cut dirt right out of your skin, wash with
soap as usual to get rid out the greasy feeling.
If you have been working hard and your hands are dirty you can remove stains on your hands by grabbing a stick of butter and smearing it all over your skin.
Wash your hands with soap and hot water to remove the grease.
If your hands have become incased in grime or grease I have found the following a great hand cleaner. Rub baking soda into your hands, mixing it with all
the grease and grime, then pour vinegar onto your hands. There is a little bit of fizzing but nothing to worry about. Then wash your hands with a little
soap and water. You will be astounded at the resulting clean. Also if you are wearing any rings on your fingers they come up lovely.
You can clean the inside of bottles and tight small containers using coffee grounds shaken inside for a few minutes.
You can clean leather in your home by making a mixture of one-cup warm water, on tablespoon of dish soap and one cup of vinegar. Rubbing on with a soft
cloth and then drying will get keep your leathers soft and clean.
To clean your fish tank from all the scum left on the sides of the glass, use full strength vinegar and a souring pad to get rid of this stain fast. You
will have to wash out the vinegar then with hot soapy water as it could hurt your fish.
Do you have candle wax in your carpet, on your couch or on your clothes? You can get this out by either scraping with a plastic knife, carefully picking
out the pieces, or you can dab on the rubbing alcohol and watch the candle wax soften so you can pick it out easily.
You can make your own white wall tire cleaner by using a cup of baking soda and two cups of water. Scrubbing the white walls of your tires with a scrub
brush this mixture will make them white again!
To clean cob webs that are hard to reach and without scratching the ceiling, simply tape a piece of fabric softener sheet onto the bottom of your broom
and hit all the corners of your ceilings to get cobwebs gone in a flash!
You can clean toothbrushes by boiling a pan of water and adding a cup of vinegar to kill germs from colds so you don’t keep getting the same cold germs
back again!
You can easily clean the grime out of your combs or hairbrushes by boiling a pan of water and adding two cups of ammonia then turn off the stove. Letting
the combs soak in the water and ammonia mixture as it cools down will clean the hairspray and the grease right out so your combs and brushes making them
look as good as new.
If you have found a few paintbrushes around the house that are looking a little rough you can soak them in vinegar over night and they will be soft enough
to use on your best projects.
If you have rust forming on your car, or on an appliance in your home you can stop rust in its tracks by using two cups of linseed oil and a half a cup
of turpentine. Painting this on to the affected area will put a stop to rusting.
Cutting through the layers of dust on the tops of your cupboards is easy using dish liquid and hot water with a soft cloth. Wringing out your cloth tightly
you can then pick up dust fast. Thick grime can accumulate quite quickly on top of your kitchen cupboards. So if you find that you are having to regularly
battle with this grime, simply place some sheets of paper on top of the cupboards. When it comes to cleaning them all you need to do is remove and replace
the paper.
If you keep a little air flowing in the home during the dry winter months, you will keep condensation from forming on your windowsills.
Tar will come off of your shoes or your car paint using olive oil. Another product to use is WD40 penetrating oil. Simply spray it onto the affected area
and wipe the tar away.
Clean your wood decks or your wood stairs in your home using full strength apple cider vinegar and using a scrub brush. This strengthens the wood while
cleaning at the same time.
If you have stains on concrete you can use alcohol to lift the stain and then wash with dish soap and hot water to clean the entire area. Another great
concrete cleaner is Coca-Cola. Simply pour it onto oil patches or stains and leave over night. Rinse off in the morning and you will be amazed.
For stubborn stains on your tiles add a little muriatic acid to your water when you are using a scrub brush and the stains will lift right up. Don’t forget
when using acid you need to wear protective gloves.
Mixing vinegar and isopropyl alcohol in a spray bottle you will find that you will have a great shine and clean on your windows and mirrors!
Use ammonia to remove paint drippings where they shouldn’t be. If the paint is really stuck on let the ammonia sit on the area for a few minutes and then
scrape up with your fingernail. Another method is to use nail polish remover, mind not to get it on anything except the glass or you will be sorry.
You can get out chocolate stains by washing with cold water and glycerin.
To get out a coffee stain, you can use an egg yolk mixed with a half cup of ammonia. Apply this to both sides of the fabric and let it sit overnight. Rinse
in cold water and then launder as usual.
You can get a stain from eggs out of your clothes by soaking it in cold water overnight and then launder as usual.
To get a tea stain out of your fabrics; use cold water with a cup of ammonia. Let this sit overnight and launder as usual.
You can get gum out of clothes by freezing it and peeling it right off. You can also get gum out of other fabric situations using gasoline saturating the
area and then pulling the gum right out.
You can get grass stains out of denim using hydrogen peroxide rubbed on the stain and then launder as usual.
You can get ink out of light colored fabrics using half a cup of salt and half a cup of lemon juice, rubbing it on the fabric and setting it in the sun.
Tar will come out of many types of fabric and off of your sneakers by using a rag moistened with linseed oil and rubbing vigorously. You can also get tar
out of clothes using butter rubbed on the stain, then apply vinegar to remove the grease stain, and launder as usual. To get tar out of carpets, use eucalyptus
oil dabbed on the area to work the tar loose and pick out with your fingernails.
Lipstick will come out of fabrics by dabbing on some toothpaste and then washing as usual. Toothpaste can stain some delicate materials. You can pre-treat
lipstick stains by using hairspray over the affected area before washing as usual.
You can get ink off of painted walls by dabbing on a little toothpaste, waiting about an hour and then gently rubbing it off. Don’t rub too hard or you
can remove or scratch the paint.
Ink will come out of fabric on your clothes and your furniture, by rubbing milk on the stain and then dab it clean.
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