#MEwx Cooler temps with a slight chance for rain
I have an Ambient WS 5000 weather station broadcasting live where you can view real time weather readings from it by clicking here.
This morning it is partly sunny with patchy fog. A chance of showers with isolated thunderstorms this afternoon. Highs around 60°F with light and variable winds.
Tonight we’ll have partly cloudy skies with a chance of showers in the evening. Lows in the lower 40s with light and variable winds.
We didn’t receive any rain here over the past 24 hours.
The wind is North between 1.3 MPH and 3.1 MPH.
The Relative pressure is 29.68, the Absolute pressure is 29.58 and rising with a weather graphic indicating clouds and sun.
Our humidity is 99%, the temperature is 48.9°F, the dew point is 48.6°F and it feels like 48.9°F.
Visibility is 10.0 miles / 16.1 kilometers with overcast skies.
The UV index is 0 placing the average person at low risk and the solar radiation reading is 59.1W/m2. Sunrise is 6:50 AM, sunset is 6:02 PM and we’ll have 11 hours 12 minutes of daylight today. Moonrise is 4:22 AM and Moonset is 5:20 PM. The moon phase is Waning Crescent and is 4.6% illuminated. Our next Full Moon is on October 28 and our next new moon will be on October 14.
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