
Showing posts from October, 2023

#MEwx Colder with some residual ice, so slow down

Good morning Augusta I have an Ambient WS 5000 weather station broadcasting live where you can view real time weather readings from it by clicking here . This morning it is Icy in spots so slow the hell down!! Right now it’s mostly sunny. Highs in the lower 40s with Northwest winds around 10 mph. Tonight we’ll have mostly clear skies with lows in the lower 20s. Winds will be light and variable. We received a total of 0.30 inches of rain here for this two day rain event. The wind is West between 2.0 MPH and 8.5 MPH. The Relative pressure is 29.81, the Absolute pressure is 29.61 and rising with a weather graphic indicating sun and clouds. Our humidity is 83%, the temperature is 32.0°F, the dew point is 27.4°F and it feels like   27.2°F. Visibility is 10.0 miles / 16.1 kilometers with partly cloudy skies. The UV index is 0 placing the average person at low risk and the solar radiation reading is 39.2W/m2. Sunrise is 7:15 AM...

#MEwx Today's spooky posting

If you think that being on the water is safer for you than being on land when it comes to monsters you’re wrong!! Here’s a web site about Maine’s sea and lake monsters. Want to take a canoe trip out there?     #MEwx Maine’s Sea and Lake Monsters are waiting for you, or have they always been there? Think about that the next time you get in your canoe or Kayak. Enjoy, and happy Haloween!

#MEwx Cold, raw and rainy today. Yep, good weather is over.

Good morning Augusta I have an Ambient WS 5000 weather station broadcasting live where you can view real time weather readings from it by clicking here . This morning it is rainy with patchy fog. Highs reaching the upper 30s with Northeast winds around 10 mph. Tonight we’ll have patchy fog during evening hours. Cloudy with a chance of rain in the evening, then partly cloudy after midnight. Lows around 30°F with Northwest winds around 10 mph gusting to 20 mph. We didn’t receive any rain here over the past 24 hours, but that isn’t going to last. The wind is North Northeast between 8.3 MPH and 11.4 MPH. The Relative pressure is 29.74, the Absolute pressure is 29.54 and falling with a weather graphic indicating rain and some clouds. Our humidity is 96%, the temperature is 36.7°F, the dew point is 35.5°F and it feels like   32.8°F. Visibility is 10.0 miles / 16.1 kilometers with low, overcast skies. The UV index is 0 pla...

#MEwx 10 spooky legends in Maine

Here’s a link to: “Weird Maine Folklore and Legends.” From flannehl-wearing goatmen to the creature who controls the wild weather atop Mount Katahdin, the Pine Tree State has some really strange stories. Here are 10 of them. All 10 can be found at: Enjoy, and happy Haloween!

#MEwx Much cooler with rain possible

Good morning Augusta I have an Ambient WS 5000 weather station broadcasting live where you can view real time weather readings from it by clicking here . This morning it is cloudy with a slight chance for rain this afternoon. Much cooler with highs in the mid 40s. Winds are light and variable. Tonight we’ll have clouds with a chance of rain during evening hours, then rain after midnight. Lows in the upper 30s with light and variable winds. We didn’t receive any rain here over the past 24 hours. The wind is North between 2.0 MPH and 3.4 MPH. The Relative pressure is 29.94, the Absolute pressure is 29.74 and rising (for the time being) with a weather graphic indicating sun and some clouds. Our humidity is 74%, the temperature is 41.5°F, the dew point is 33.7°F and it feels like   41.4°F. Visibility is 10.0 miles / 16.1 kilometers with Patchy fog and partly cloudy skies. The UV index is 0 placing the average person at low...

#MEwx Hot and sunny for most of the day again

Good morning Augusta I have an Ambient WS 5000 weather station broadcasting live where you can view real time weather readings from it by clicking here . This morning it is foggy in places with partly sunny skies. Highs in the mid 70s with Southwest winds around 10 mph, becoming west this afternoon gusting to 30 mph. Tonight we’ll have mostly clear conditions during evening hours, becoming partly cloudy. Lows in the upper 30s with Northwest winds around 10 mph. Gusts up to 30 mph in the evening. We didn’t receive any rain here over the past 24 hours. The wind is Southeast between 1.3 MPH and 2.5 MPH. The Relative pressure is 29.64, the Absolute pressure is 29.44 and steady with a weather graphic indicating sun and some clouds. Our humidity is 94%, the temperature is 58.4°F, the dew point is 56.8°F and it feels like   58.5°F. Visibility is 10.0 miles / 16.1 kilometers with Patchy fog and partly cloudy skies. The UV index ...

#MEwx Maine Haunted place #3

Museums of Old York Old York is one of the earliest and most beautifully preserved English settlements in the country. There are few better places to explore Maine’s history and heritage. However, visitors of this historic attraction have reported paranormal activity. With legends of prisoners, sea captains, witches, and families, the stories here are limited only by your imagination. One of the most popular stories took place during the days of witch-hunting. People have reported doors opening on their own, cold spots, and even seeing the figure of a woman who walks down the street alone. She is known as “The White Witch.” Allegedly, children from the nearby preschool have reported that the witch is friendly, sometimes visiting during recess to come play.

#MEwx Another unseasonably warm day! Enjoy it because it won't last.

Good morning Augusta I have an Ambient WS 5000 weather station broadcasting live where you can view real time weather readings from it by clicking here . This morning it is partly sunny with expected highs in the lower 70s. Winds will remain light and variable. Tonight we’ll have partly cloudy skies with lows in the mid 50s. Winds will be light and variable. We didn’t receive any rain here over the past 24 hours. The wind is North Northwest between 0.0 MPH and 1.8 MPH. The Relative pressure is 29.86, the Absolute pressure is 29.66 and rising with a weather graphic indicating sun. Our humidity is 99%, the temperature is 52.3°F, the dew point is 52.2°F and it feels like   52.5°F. Visibility is 10.0 miles / 16.1 kilometers with partly cloudy skies. The UV index is 0 placing the average person at low risk and the solar radiation reading is 7.6W/m2. Sunrise is 7:10 AM, sunset is 5:38 PM and we’ll have 10 hours 28 minute...

#MEwx Post #2 for another haunted place in Maine

Wood Island Lighthouse,  Saco Bay Woodland Lighthouse has its fair share of reported supernatural activities. In fact, the hit television show, Ghost Hunters, featured the lighthouse on a paranormal investigation. It all began in 1896 when Howard Hobbs, a tenant of Wood Island, was confronted by his landlord, Frederick Milliken. Milliken told Hobbs that the rent was overdue, and that is when the tragedy unfolded. To this day, it is said that if you stand quietly, you can still hear the footsteps of Milliken and Hobbs.

#MEwx Unsesonably warm today!! Enjoy it!

Good morning Augusta I have an Ambient WS 5000 weather station broadcasting live where you can view real time weather readings from it by clicking here . This morning it is partly sunny with expected highs reaching the lower 70s. Light and variable winds. Tonight we’ll have partly cloudy skies during the evening hours, becoming mostly cloudy. Lows in the lower 50s with light and variable winds. We received 0.02 inches of rain here over the past 24 hours. The wind is East Southeast between 1.6 MPH and 2.2 MPH. The Relative pressure is 29.94, the Absolute pressure is 29.74 and rising with a weather graphic indicating sun. Our humidity is 99%, the temperature is 52.3°F, the dew point is 52.0°F and it feels like   52.3°F. Visibility is 10.0 miles / 16.1 kilometers with partly cloudy skies at the moment. The UV index is 0 placing the average person at low risk and the solar radiation reading is 17.7W/m2. Sunrise is 7:08 AM, sunset ...

#MEwx #1 of the 4 most haunted places to visit in Maine

This is the first posting of  the four most haunted places in Maine for you to visit. Happy Haloween! Fort William Henry | Pemaquid Beach | 55 Minutes Fort William Henry was built in 1692 as the English fortified the frontiers of the Massachusetts colony. The fort’s construction was extraordinary, housing nearly 20 cannons and 60 soldiers. However, the fort’s splendor was short-lived. Before the area’s colonization, the land was home to many Native Americans. Tension continued between Native American people and the colonists. Tragically, in 1696, Native American Chief Taukolexis was hung by the fort. Local legend has it that he haunts the historic site to this day.  

#MEwx Warmer with clouds and some fog

Good morning Augusta I have an Ambient WS 5000 weather station broadcasting live where you can view real time weather readings from it by clicking here . This morning it is partly sunny with fog, becoming mostly cloudy. Patchy fog this morning. Highs in the mid 60s with light and variable winds, becoming southwest around 10 mph this afternoon. Tonight we’ll have mostly cloudy skies during evening hours, then becoming partly cloudy. Lows in the lower 50s with light and variable winds. We didn’t receive any rain here over the past 24 hours. The wind is Northeast between 0.0 MPH and 2.5 MPH. The Relative pressure is 29.97, the Absolute pressure is 29.77 and falling with a weather graphic indicating clouds and some sun. Our humidity is 99%, the temperature is 43.5°F, the dew point is 43.2°F and it feels like   43.5°F. Visibility is 10.0 miles / 16.1 kilometers with a batch of dense fog outside right now. The UV index is 0 pl...

#MEwx Today's Weather Proverb

“Long foretold, long last, short notice, soon passed.” A weather system with gradual changes is more likely to stick around for a while than a weather system that moves and changes quickly. A shower or storm that only lasts a few minutes or hours is the result of dramatic changes in air pressure and temperature, which aren’t able to be forecasted with any real accuracy. If pressure and temperature changes happen slowly, however, it’s very likely that the weather system will stick around longer. These are also far more likely to be accurately predicted by meteorologists; slow-moving systems with gradual changes are obviously easier to read.

#MEwx Warming temps with sun

Good morning Augusta I have an Ambient WS 5000 weather station broadcasting live where you can view real time weather readings from it by clicking here . This morning it is frosty, we’re below32°F, barely, but enough for the first frost. Partly sunny. Highs in the mid 50’s with light and variable winds. Tonight we’ll have partly cloudy skies with lows in the lower 40s. Winds are light and variable. We didn’t receive any rain here over the past 24 hours. The wind is East Northeast between 1.6 MPH and 3.4 MPH. The Relative pressure is 30.13, the Absolute pressure is 29.93 and rising with a weather graphic indicating sun. Our humidity is 99%, the temperature is 32.2°F, the dew point is 32.2°F and it feels like   32.5°F. Visibility is 10.0 miles / 16.1 kilometers with partly cloudy skies. The UV index is 0 placing the average person at low risk and the solar radiation reading is 46.4W/m2. Sunrise is 7:06 AM, suns...

#MEwx Today's Weather Proverb

“The moon, her face be red, of water she speaks.” The color of the moon — particularly when it’s full and rising — can be an indicator of incoming weather systems. In a dry atmosphere (indicating good weather), the moon is seen as white. When the atmosphere begins to collect moisture, molecules in the air scatter light differently than in a dry atmosphere, and the moon appears redder. This moisture that is making the moon look red can be a sign of rising humidity, meaning coming rain showers.

#MEwx No rain with temps in the 50's.

Good morning Augusta I have an Ambient WS 5000 weather station broadcasting live where you can view real time weather readings from it by clicking here . This morning it is partly sunny with highs in the mid 50s. Winds are North around 10 mph. Tonight we’ll have mostly clear skies with patchy fog and frost after midnight. Lows in the lower 30s with light and variable winds. We received an additional 0.01 inches of rain here for a total of 2.19 inches of rain for this two-day long rain event. The wind is North between 2.0 MPH and 3.6 MPH. The Relative pressure is 29.71, the Absolute pressure is 28.51 and rising with a weather graphic indicating clouds and sun. Our humidity is 97%, the temperature is 45.5°F, the dew point is 44.7°F and it feels like   45.5°F. Visibility is 10.0 miles / 16.1 kilometers with mostly cloudy skies this morning. The UV index is 0 placing the average person at low risk and the solar radiation reading ...

#MEwx Today's Weather Proverb

“When the glass falls low, prepare for a blow; when the glass is high, let your kites fly.” Vintage old time barometer weather proverb illustration.   This is a simple proverb about watching and reading barometric pressure. In the early days of this weather gauge, it was called a “glass” (because a glass tube housed the mercury). When the “glass” is low — that is, when the mercury is low, meaning low pressure — you can expect rain and generally poor weather. When the mercury is high, a high pressure system is in (or coming in), and fair weather can be enjoyed.

#MEwx Rainy and raw today

Good morning Augusta I have an Ambient WS 5000 weather station broadcasting live where you can view real time weather readings from it by clicking here . This morning it is foggy in places with rain. Highs in the lower 50s. Winds are Northwest around 10 mph gusting to 20 mph. Tonight we’ll have clouds with showers, mainly during evening hours. Lows in the mid 40s with North winds around 10 mph gusting to 20 mph. We received an additional 0.95 inches of rain here over the past 24 hours for arain event total of 1.04 inches thus far. The wind is West Southwest between 3.4 MPH and 7.6 MPH. The Relative pressure is 29.11, the Absolute pressure is 28.91 and rising with a weather graphic indicating clouds and more rain. Our humidity is 99%, the temperature is 47.7°F, the dew point is 47.4°F and it feels like   45.3°F. Visibility is 10.0 miles / 16.1 kilometers with overcast and rain again today. The UV index is 0 placing the avera...