#MEwx Cooler and how baromteric pressure affects your blood sugar
I’ve put up an Ambient WS 5000 weather station where you can view real time weather readings from this location online here.
This morning we have mostly sunny skies with highs in the upper 30s. Winds are light and variable.
Tonight we’ll have partly cloudy conditions during evening hours, becoming mostly cloudy. Lows in the mid 20s with light and variable winds.
We didn’t receive any rain or snow here over the past 24 hours.
The wind is East Northeast between 1.3 MPH and 5.4 MPH.
The Relative pressure is 30.01, the Absolute pressure is 29.81 and rising with a weather graphic indicating sun and clouds.
The outdoor temperature is 25.0°F, the dew point is 30.3°F, the wind chill is 25.0°F and the humidity is 82%.
Visibility is 10.0 miles / 16.1 kilometers with partly cloudy skies.
The UV index is 0 placing the average person at no risk, the solar radiation reading is 29.5W/m2, the moon phase is in its first quarter and is 38.1% illuminated. Sunrise is 6:53 AM, sunset is 4:03 PM, moonrise is 12:11 AM, Moonset is 10:14 PM and we’ll have 9 hours 10 minutes of daylight today.
The moon in its first quarter, our next Full Moon is on December 7 (Cold Moon), with our next new moon being on December 23.
More of an article about how barometric pressure can affect your health.
Blood Sugar
When the pressure drops during a cold front, it causes the viscosity, or thickness, of the blood to increase, said Jennifer Vanos, assistant professor in geosciences at Texas Tech University in Lubbock, in an interview with weather.com
"Diabetics will have more trouble controlling their blood sugar during cold fronts," she said.
Rapidly dropping blood sugar could also trigger a migraine attack. Reactive hypoglycemia is a condition in which your blood sugar falls quickly, and it usually happens when the sugar rush from high-carb or high-glucose foods wears off. It's one of the least understood, but very real, migraine triggers.
When blood sugar dips as a result of a change in the environment, it can produce what is called low barometric pressure fatigue.
Joint Pain
s at Tufts-New England Medical Center in Boston surveyed 200 patients with knee osteoarthritis and found a link between changes in barometric pressure and ambient temperature and changes in knee pain severity
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