Wednesday Morning

Good Morning Augusta.
This morning it is clear. High of 81F. Winds from the NNW at 10 to 15 mph.
Tonight it will be partly cloudy. Low of 52F. Winds less than 5 mph. Chance
of rain 20%.
The readings outside at this moment taken from my own instruments are:
a relative humidity of 66% with a Dew Point of 55.2º F.
The temperature is 67.0ºF.
Presently we have West Southwest winds between 6.8 MPH and 9.7 MPH.
Our Barometric pressure is 29.67/HPA 1004.7 and rising with a weather
graphic indicating clouds.
UV is 2 out of 16, sunset will be at 8:11 PM with Moon Rise at 12:40 p.m.
Eastern Daylight Time, and the moon phase is Waxing Crescent.
For the pilots out there: Raw METAR –
METAR KAUG 251153Z AUTO 32009KT 10SM CLR 18/12 A2975 RMK AO2 SLP074 70016
T01830117 10183 20156 51017
We had no precipitation overnight in this area.
Visibility is 10.0 miles / 16.1 kilometers and we have yet another good
More Weather Proverbs and Prognostics, this time about insects and reptiles
Next time you see an ant or a spider, check out what it's doing—it could let
you know something about the upcoming weather.
If ants their walls do frequent build, rain will from the clouds be spilled.

Ants are busy, gnats bite, crickets sing louder than usual, spiders come
down from their webs, and flies gather in houses just before rain.
When bees to distance wing their flight, days are warm and skies are bright;
But when their flight ends near their comb, stormy weather is sure to come.
Fireflies in great numbers indicates fair weather.
When hornets build their nests near the ground, expect a cold and early
When cicadas are heard, dry weather will follow, and frost will come in six
When spiders' webs in air do fly, the spell will soon be very dry.
Spiders in motion indicate rain.
When spiderwebs are wet with dew that soon dries, expect a fine day.
Spiderwebs floating at autumn sunset bring a night frost, this you may bet.
The louder the frogs, the more the rain.
Frogs singing in the evening indicates fair weather the next day.
Leeches kept in glass jars are active just before rain.
Hang up a snakeskin and it will bring rain.
