Saturday, August 27 weather in the Asa Williams House

We are located in the Northwest quarter of Augusta, Maine in a 222 year old house, surrounded on two sides by a corn field. Hurricane Ireen is expected here tomorrow around 2 in the afternoon.
Today, so far our barometer reads 29.81 and holding steady for the past six hours. That is down slightly for the day.
Wind gusts have hit as high as 4.0 mph for the day, with a max of 23.3 mph for the entire week. Right now, the wind in the corn field is a snappy 0.9 mph - yes, less than 1 mph.
The dewpoint is 64.9 f 
the temp is 73.3 f.
Today's maximum temperature was 81.3 f
It is presently very cloudy, with the day beginning with a heavy fog.
All day it was hot, muggy  and very still with seagulls in the Augusta area beginning to mass  on the ground in local, sheltered areas.
A real flood watch was in effect for our area as of 4:46 this evening. This watch is in effect through tomorrow (sunday) evening with rainfall in our area expected to be between 2 to 4 inches. Local flooding is a real possibility. 4 to 8 inch totals are expected for New Hampshire and areas west of Ireen's track tomorrow.
Hunker down folks, we're going to get wet.

"There is a great deal of unmapped country within us which would have to be taken into account in an explanation of our gusts and storms"
George Eliot
