
#MEwx Today's Weather Proverb

“When your joints all start to ache, rainy weather is at stake.” This proverb is related to the one above about the ass braying, but is more directly pointing to joint pain in humans. Did you have an old uncle whose bad knee could predict a storm? While there has been more research done on how weather affects humans than there has been on animals, it’s all still just theory. The hypothesis that is most supported by the scientific community is that low pressure (meaning less force on your body/joints) allows tissue to expand, which can put pressure on your joints. So when your bum knee aches a little more for seemingly no reason, look to the skies and prepare for rain in the next day or so.

#MEwx Cool, foggy, rainy and raw today

Good morning Augusta I have an Ambient WS 5000 weather station broadcasting live where you can view real time weather readings from it by clicking here . This morning it is cloudy with areas of dense fog. A chance of rain, then rain with a slight chance of thunderstorms this afternoon. Highs in the upper 50s with light and variable winds. Tonight we’ll have a slight chance of thunderstorms during evening hours. Rain with lows in the lower 50s. Winds are North around 10 mph, becoming northwest after midnight. We received 0.09 inches of rain here over the past 24 hours and there’s more in the offing. The wind is North Northeast between 3.6 MPH and 6.0 MPH. The Relative pressure is 29.19, the Absolute pressure is 28.98 and falling with a weather graphic indicating clouds and rain. Our humidity is 99%, the temperature is 55.2°F, the dew point is 54.9°F and it feels like   55.2°F. Visibility is 10.0 miles / 16.1 kilometers with overcast and rain. The UV index is 0 placing th...

#MEwx Today's Weather Proverb

“The ash before the oak, choke, choke, choke, the oak before the ash, splash, splash, splash.” This proverb is more of a long-range predictor than the others in this list. The “ash before the oak” refers to budding; the “splash” refers to wet weather. If ash trees bud before oak trees, expect a drier summer; if the reverse, expect a wetter summer. The timing of when trees bud is related to the moisture content of the soil. A dry fall and winter means little moisture in the topsoil, but there could still be moisture deeper within. A wet fall and winter means a moist topsoil, which leads to a quick budding for ash trees because of their shallow root system. If previous seasons have been dry, an oak’s deep root system will tap into the deeper parts of the soil, and bud before the ash. How does this relate to a long-term weather prediction? It’s based on the simple theory of mother nature trying to maintain balance and average prec...

#MEwx Warm temps with rain possible later tonight.

Good morning Augusta I have an Ambient WS 5000 weather station broadcasting live where you can view real time weather readings from it by clicking here . This morning it is foggy in places with partly sunny skies later. Highs in the mid 60s with light and variable winds. Tonight we’ll have partly cloudy conditions, becoming mostly cloudy. Patchy fog after midnight. Lows in the upper 40s with South winds around 10 mph. We’ve didn’t receive any rain here over the past 24 hours. The wind is Northeast between 0.0 MPH and 2.0 MPH. The Relative pressure is 29.92, the Absolute pressure is 29.72 and rising with a weather graphic indicating clouds and sun. Our humidity is 99%, the temperature is 48.0°F, the dew point is 57.9°F and it feels like   48.2°F. Visibility is 10.0 miles / 16.1 kilometers with overcast skies. The UV index is 0 placing the average person at low risk and the solar radiation reading is 42.2W/m2. Sunris...

Today's Weather Proverb

“The sharper the blast the sooner ‘tis past.” When a storm builds rapidly, it’s often stronger and faster than when a storm builds gradually. A strong thunderstorm has an average speed of about 30 miles per hour, meaning it will generally only last a few hours. A gentle rain shower, though, can travel at a fraction of that speed, and can last for a few days.

#MEwx mild temps all day today

Good morning Augusta I have an Ambient WS 5000 weather station broadcasting live where you can view real time weather readings from it by clicking here . This morning it is foggy in places, turning partly sunny. Highs in the upper 50s with light and variable winds. Tonight we’ll have partly cloudy skies with patchy fog after midnight. Lows in the lower 40s with light and variable winds. We’ve received 0.03 inches of rain here over the past 24 hours. The wind is North between 1.3 MPH and 2.9 MPH. The Relative pressure is 29.90, the Absolute pressure is 29.70 and rising with a weather graphic indicating clouds and sun. Our humidity is 99%, the temperature is 46.4°F, the dew point is 46.1°F and it feels like   46.4°F. Visibility is 10.0 miles / 16.1 kilometers with overcast skies. The UV index is 0 placing the average person at low risk and the solar radiation reading is 3.5W/m2. Sunrise is 6:58 AM, sunset is 5:52 PM and we...

#MEwx Today's Weather Proverb

“Rain before seven, clear before eleven.” This proverb is actually more related to fog than rain, but it makes a handy little saying. The most common type of fog is called radiation fog, which occurs on clear, atmospherically stable nights. As we learned with the proverb about dew, heat from the ground radiates to outer space, cooling the ground to the dew-point temperature. This creates drew. As it cools even more, condensation is formed in the air through a process known as heat conduction. This occurrence is almost exclusively a nighttime and very early morning phenomenon. In some cases, if the air has some turbulence, the fog can thicken and even produce rain. This isn’t rain from a low pressure system, though, meaning the vapor will soon be spent, and the rain will not last long. Hence, if there is rain early in the morning (before seven), it’s likely to clear off by lunchtime. Note that this is only accurate for this type of fog-related shower...